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TMO Notices

TMO Notices

TMO Notices

Notice of Proposals

In order to make a Traffic Management Order, a Notice of Proposal is published setting out the proposed measures, allowing for a 21 day statutory public consultation period.

Notice of Making

At the end of the public consultation and where the Council has agreed to proceed to make the Traffic Management Order, a Notice of Making is published, providing the date on which the TMO comes into force.

Experimental Traffic Orders

These exist (up to 18 months in duration), where the Council has decided to implement a scheme as an experiment and is open to receiving comments on its operation. It provides details and an end date by which any objections should be received.

Notice of Variation

Where the charges that apply to certain parking places are to be increased, a Notice of Variation is published at least 21 days before the changes come into effect setting out the effective date, which parking places are affected, the existing charges and the new charges.

For further information or if you have any queries, please contact us by email at

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