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Regent Street Improvement Scheme

Regent Street Improvement Scheme

Ward: West End

Streets Affected: Air Street, Regent Street

Project Type: Developer and third party funded

Project Overview

The Regent Street Phase 1 Streetscape Improvements are complete. The Phase 2 part of the scheme is being reviewed and will be developed along with the proposed footway widening of the southern footway. Works completed are as follows:

  • Widening part of the northern footway (Phase 1) and renewing of the paving
  • Upgrading of the Regent Street / Air Street junction and the pedestrian crossing facilities.
  • Installing an entry treatment at the Air Street North junction
  • Renewing part of the carriageway surface


Works completed

Outline Programme

Phase 1 of the works is complete.
The Phase 2 part of the scheme is being reviewed and developed as a separate scheme proposing to widen the southern footway.

Project Documents


    On Hold
    Design Stage
    In Consultation
    Works on site
    Works completed