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North Wharf Road - Marylebone Boys' School

North Wharf Road - Marylebone Boys' School

Ward: Hyde Park

Streets Affected: North Wharf Road

Project Type: Traffic, Safety & Parking

Project Overview

As part of a number of school schemes throughout the borough of Westminster, North Wharf Road, outside Marylebone Boys' School was identified as a location where it was necessary to review of the feasibility of installing a number of road safety measures and public realm improvements. The safety measures proposed include installing a raised table on North Wharf Road outside of Marylebone Boys' School to act as an informal crossing point to fit the desire line for students and pedestrians coming from the Paddington area and reduce overall vehicle speeds. It is also proposed to upgrade some existing waiting and loading restrictions, install 20mph roundel road markings and install a VAS sign to warn drivers to slow down.


Works on site

Outline Programme

Construction start date 20th January - 4th February

Project Documents

There are no documents available for this project


    On Hold
    Design Stage
    In Consultation
    Works on site
    Works completed